Tuesday 31 January 2012

The Jews and their Deceits

“It is not truth that matters, but victory.”

Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler's Biography

  • Adolf Hitler was born in 1889 in a small Austrian village close to the German border
  • The son of a border customs clerk and a housemaid.
  • As a teenager, he began to develop an artistic talent.
  • At age 16 he quit high-school.
  • At age 17 he applied for the Vienna academy of fine arts, but was rejected.
  • When he was 14 his father died, and when he was 18 his loving mother had cancer.
  • She was treated by a Jewish Doctor, but despite costly and painful treatment she died.
  • He was then 18, and alone in the world.

The Reasons why Adolf Hitler hate the Jews

  • The Jews are liars and hide their true feelings, for complete free expression is a social impossibility for them.
  • They are cunning and shrewd enough to learn early on that they can display conventional behaviors and mouth conventional ideas without having to believe in them.
  • They only will express their own thoughts and beliefs without suffering ostracism and isolation.
  • They are always hungry for power and shameless.
  • The secret of their survival is to learn to get others do the work for them while taking the credit for themselves.
  • They used the wisdom and knowledge of other people to further their own cause.
  • Eg: In our own economy we can see the Jews will find Germans with the skills and creativity that they lacked and to work with them.
  • They will hire the Germans and while putting their names on top of ours, these leaches will find a way to take our work and make it their own.
  • The Jews also know as blood sucking vermin since they always make used and manipulated the Germans ability and working skills as well as.
  • They know that an act of kindness, generosity or honesty is often the most powerful form of distraction because it disarms their enemies' suspicious.
  • It turns their enemies' into children , eagerly lapping up any kind of affectionate gesture and this is known as " giving before you take"
  • When the Jews are giving, it makes it harder for their enemies to notice them when they are taking later.
  • In turn, do not trust them, if you believe them as honest, you are giving them room to maneuver and strategize against you.

Monday 30 January 2012

The degree of happiness


"If there were in the world today any large number of people who desired their own happiness more than they desired the unhappiness of others, we could have paradise in a few years." 

Bertrand Russell

The key of happiness. What do you think, if I talk about happiness? What is happiness? Can you describe what is happiness all about? But, as me, happiness is such as the comfort feeling of enjoyment, euphoria, exhilaration, exuberance, felicity and gaiety that you might feel.

Basically, happiness is not refers to  the prosperity and popularity. As you can see the rich and upper  class  people who live with luxury and extraordinary environment sometime might not feel the happiness feeling like the lower class people. In turn,  we as a human being should cherish the degree of happiness that are already gifted by the God. 

The degree of happiness is an  exhilarating excerpt written by Bertrand Arthur William Russell who was a British philosopher, mathematician, and Nobel laureate, whose emphasis on logical analysis influenced the course of 20th-century thinking. This excerpt come  from his book that is " The Conquest of Happiness".

In this excerpt, basically it explain to the reader that the happiness of someone is totally different from someone else. For instances, Bertrand  Russell told the reader that when he was a boy, he knew a man bursting with happiness whose business was digging wells.  Besides that, he was of enormous heights and of incredible muscles , but he could neither read or write, and when in the year 1885 he got a vote for parliament. During that time, he learnt for the first time that such an institution existed. His happiness did not depend upon on intellectual sources, it was not based upon belief in natural law, or any of the fad, fashion and creeds which intellectuals consider necessary to their enjoyment of life. I think he might be feel more happiness with his old life compared to the new one. 

Furthermore, Bertrand Russell told the readers that the farmers also have their own happiness. As we know that, the farmers will spend a lot of theirs effort in order to plant the fruits and vegetables. Besides that, they have to take care of their plant like put some fertilizers, watering with enough water, supply the plants with the ample of sunlight and give some affection in order to ensure this plants to growth  and alive kicking well. After a few months, this effort and struggle will achieve the triumphs  since the farmers can pick all  the yields from their plantation.  As you can see, in this picture show to us that,  the farmer kiss his plant with the big smiling face. In turn, it portray to us that,  the degree of his happiness after he attain the great victory in his life as well as. 

One more thing, I noticed that, this except act as a stepping's stone to expose to the readers that,  artists and literary men consider it necessary to be unhappy in their life such as marriage, but men of science quite frequently remain capable of old-fashionable domestic bliss. This is due to the scientists have an activity which utilizes his abilities to the full and attain results which appear and seem more important not just to himself but to the general public or citizens even though the public cannot understand their work. But, when the public cannot understand a picture or a poem, they conclude that it is a bad picture or a poem. When the public cannot understand the theory of relatively they will conclude that their education has been insufficient.  For instances, Albert Einstein who is the well known scientists live happily and with the great of joy while the best painters starve in the gutter. In turn,  these circumstances prove that artists are less happy than men in science.

All in all, this except, totally acts as yardstick to change the way how we though about the degree of happiness in our life and bear in mind that everyone in this world will have their own way in order to pursuit with their own happiness. The happiness is the subjective feeling that we need in order to get survive in this world.

Saturday 28 January 2012

How to be " Insanely Great" in front of Any Audience

Hi & good evening.

I have some cliche questions to ask all of you.

Do feel you afraid of public speaking?
Do you feel speechless when have to speak in front of public?
Do you feel anxiety and nervous when you have to deliver your public speaking?

If do have this kind of symptoms, here I would to share with you some tips how to combat with your anxiety problem.

Presenting is an art and I do believe people it can be learned. I just love the way Steve Jobs presents.

Here's his keynote presentation for the for iPhone 3G launch.

(a) Set the Theme. That mean you should know the information that you would like to deliver to your audiences. Eg : In this video Steve Jobs knows what is the theme and information that he would like to deliver to the audiences. As you can see the main of his goal is he wants to promote his product as whole.

(b) Make sure your theme clear and consistent. That mean your information that you would to deliver you should state it in clear enough,consistent and organize it. Eg : Before Steve Jobs started his presentation, he stated clearly the aim, purpose and scope of his speech. Besides that, he delivered his speech consistently in order to make sure the audiences much easier to understand it very well.

(c) Provide the outline. Make sure that your audiences know the gist that you would like to deliver. You should state the clear enough about it intro, body and conclusion. Used the right transition when you want to move or jump to other point in order to give some cues to your audiences. In turn, it will make your audiences as easy as ABC to understand what are you trying to deliver.

(d)Know how to catch your audiences attention. Used the catchy words to trigger the audiences interest about your presentation. Eg : Steven jobs would like to use the evoke words such as amazing, incredible , cool and extraordinary in order to promote his product.

(e) Show some visual aids. The visual aids like some pictures and videos will help the audiences to understand more about your presentation and it will gain the audience's interest. But bear in mind, don't overwhelming your presentation with the overload of irrelevant pictures and videos.

(f) Spend the time for rehearse. That mean you should practice, practice and practice before you deliver your public speaking since practice make perfect. Eg : Steve Jobs rehearses for many hours over many days before he deliver his speech. In turn, it will make him feel confident enough and be well-prepared as well as.

(g) Avoid the jargon. That mean you should used the simple words when you would like to deliver your speech in order to make you audiences understand the gist very well. Eg: Steve Jobs always avoid himself from used the jargon words and term during his presentation to avoid the misunderstanding and misinterpretation from the audiences.

Hopefully this tips will act as a yardstick to help you to become the great speaker like a Steve Jobs.

Speech is free, so you should enjoy the freedom of speech and cherish this opportunity as well as.

Bear in mind, to implement this kind of tips in your life and enjoy this video.

So if do have any comments, suggestions and recommendations regarding to this tips you may leaves your comments here. Don't hesitate to share your information here. I really cherish it.

Thank you